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The obsession began when oil, black gold, was discovered in Indian Teritory. The Dawes Commission was created to wrestle millions of acres of land out of the hands of Native Americans and Blacks, most whose families had been settled in the area for nearly a century. A highway and the promise of redeveloping GREENWOOD, NORTH TULSA's major commercial district, into a more beautiful, more modern space, instead, became the second attempt at erasing NORTH TULSA, the historic town/community annexed by the city of Tulsa in 1904, from the map. Tonight at 7p in the Auditorium at OSU-Tulsa, Don Thompson, the globally renowned photographer, and acclaimed writer Victor Luckerson will discuss how a highway and government polices broke those promises, breaking GREENWOOD.
OSU-TULSA is located at 700 N Greenwood AVE
the ORB
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