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Welcome to America

I started out the article below very differently, maybe a bit too emotionally. Now I want to be more direct and frank. We, at present, are about 330 million people living in the United States of America. Every one of us are taxpayers or future taxpayers and, most of us, the direct descendants of direct taxpayers...meaning, for over a century our families have been paying for everything that goes on from building to governing our cities, our states and our nation. It's a lot. So, here, I've got to be blunt...churches do not pay into that system. Instead, the nation, all fellow citizens, regardless of faith or creed or belief or station in life or way of life, for centuries, have allowed religions to take the money they make and invest it 100% into their own efforts. Efforts that have allowed religion to own skyscrapers, to head universities whose alumni, in turn, run our cities...single congregations sit, today, in cities and in small towns with more wealth than the entire remainder of the populations of those cities and towns. This said, what I am saying below to Oklahoma's State Board of Education is that the rest of America has to... no, that America has to have spaces that are public...entirely public. Open, welcoming and with no coercion, no partisanship in any way, no confusion about it being an American space open to ALL Americans. The majority of American spaces, and especially schools, must be affiliated with ALL Americans.


If the OSBE were telling the families of Oklahoma that they are placing vouchers in our schools to pay families' electric bills, student loans, mortgage payments, grocery and clothing bills and advocating for the state to raise parents' salaries to livable wages for the next century...that would be helping Oklahomans.


Instead, OSBE wants Oklahomans to accept the idea that a single group of Americans who for 4 centuries have been gifted with nonprofit status and allowed to accumulate vast wealth and influence already at great sacrifice from fellow Americans... now seeks to control everyone's America. 

OSBE, religions are centuries in arrears on paying up for the building of hundreds of thousands of public schools...your congregations voted for nearly a century, in Tulsa alone, to block TPS from building schools for Black children. In response to Brown v Topeka, members of your congregations purged Oklahoma's public schools of nearly all of its Black teachers and closed nearly all Black schools in rural, in short, the heart of, Oklahoma. Our cities will still be battling with the repercussions of those efforts when our classrooms open this summer in 2024.


Placing Bibles in the state's classrooms will not bring back the opportunity that Oklahoma once had of becoming the most American of states.


Refusing to accept children for who they are when they walk through the doors of our public schools, refusing to focus on education instead of indoctrination risks rendering, eventually, all Oklahoma schools, public and private, unconstitutional.


Even American 3rd graders understand unconstitutional means "Un-American." 


Why does god need our money?

I grew up in the Bible Belt, in Oklahoma, I know where the Oklahoma State Board of Education is coming from with its insistence that it is not the hard work and tax dollars of all Oklahomans and not the hard work and the tax dollars of all of the citizens of the United States of America that are responsible for large populations of our state's citizens living in nice homes, driving new cars and trucks and having far better jobs than hundreds of thousands of other is, instead, the result of their Christian faith.

At 18, as a junior at The University of Oklahoma, I heard, for the first time in my life, someone question the narrative that faith can bring you wealth, or good grades, or anything else, really...
actually someone told me There is no God.

I, as an Oklahoman, spent the first 17 years of my life rarely going any places other than school and church.

Had there been religion in my elementary school in 5th grade, I might have heard that shocking idea when I was 10 years old and far more impressionable.

I might have been in kindergarten and heard it from a 5th grader in the hallway.

OSBE cannot have thoroughly thought through the implications of teaching the Bible as history or of placing the Biblical 10 Commandments (thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not kill) as mandatory in U.S. public schools.

Who will fight our wars?

Because, historically, it has by a wide majority been public school students.

Certainly it must have been done for centuries in religious schools, but, can Christian curriculum in a public school honestly frame Doctrines of Discovery and the Monroe Doctrine with their massive land thefts as "not stealing" and the extermination of up to 99% of native populations as "not killing?"

The state that believes it will cause students discomfort if they understand centuries of labor by Black Americans is responsible for much of our nation's wealth, today, has no qualms requiring teachers to reveal to its children that, historically, Jesus Christ was neither White, nor Christian, nor American?

Do religious leaders really believe its smart to let 12 year olds, armed with Google, interpret the Bible?

And, which Bible?

Teaching The Bible of any one religion or specific denomination...would be clearly unconstitutional.

The Declaration of Independence is also scheduled for mandatory inclusion in classrooms.

High school students studying Puerto Rico and Cuba and Haiti and current events in Venezuela, in nearly all of Africa, in Asia, in Ukraine, in Palestine and Israel will have our legal definitions of independence and statehood on a wall in front of them.

Bible King James

I don't think the OSBE understands that religion as history and social studies, particularly in Oklahoma, if taught honestly, will eventually lead back to the founding of a state on land (and its oil) deeded "forever" to Native Americans ending up in the hands of religious groups those nations trusted and paid to teach their children and teens.

Classic Title

Plus, in every school everywhere in the state some smart-aleck kids will be telling classmates things equivalent to "my Grandpa says there's no Santa Claus for adults, either."

Classic Title

Or, asking "Why does God need our money?" Rabbis, Priests, Pastors, Imams have dozens of answers to that question. How does a teacher answer that question honestly and from whose history while teaching in, admirably, the most multi-ethnic and multi-faith nation in the modern world?

Read the
Constitution of the United States of America more carefully. Were the Founding Fathers trying to protect and preserve the new nation or protect and preserve RELIGION, all religions, when they kept government as government and faith as faith?

Any teacher could honestly tell you the correct answer is both.

Tulsa Mayoral candidate, OK State Representative Monroe Nichols speaks at Protect TPS press conference.

Big Title

Oklahom should be Dubai.  Once the wealthiest place on the face of the Earth, we instead focused our energy on exclusion. That tendency repeated, repeated, repeated is now down to its lowest denominator as the state now proposes to begin gobbling up its own institutions.

Listen to Oklahama State Representative Monroe Nichols as he addresses the audience at a Protect TPS press confrence.  Click on the highlighted portion at right to hear Tulsa area residents speak on the State of Oklahoma's bid to take over Tulsa's public schools.

The Fight for TPS

Are we Republicans, Democrats or Americans?

Tulsa Public Schools finds itself in a battle  to survive this week not just because the State of Oklahoma wants to wrestle control from local school systems, following, as announced by its leadership, the playbook for education in Florida...there are dozens, probably a century of reasons Tulsa's education oversight is in peril now. 


But, "now" is the key word.

20 Tulsa area residents, parents, students, teachers, community members spoke at the final TPS Board of Education meeting before the State Board holds its referendum on the system's accreditation and, perhaps, as well, the future of TPS Superintendent, Tulsa Memorial graduate, Dr. Deborah Gist.

Walter's War on Tulsa leads to questions of jurisdiction... possibly winning a battle, but losing the state.


may 3023 MCLAIN PTSA 020.jpg



And Then Came A Highway

This is a great place to add a tagline.

The obsession began when oil, black gold, was discovered in Indian Teritory. The Dawes Commission was created to wrestle millions of acres of land out of the hands of Native Americans and Blacks, most whose families had been settled in the area for nearly a century. A highway and the promise of redeveloping GREENWOOD, NORTH TULSA's major commercial district, into a more beautiful, more modern space, instead, became the second attempt at erasing NORTH TULSA, the historic town/community annexed by the city of Tulsa in 1904, from the map.  TU, OSU-Tulsa, and TCCL opened the month with Don Thompson, the globally renowned photographer, and acclaimed writer Victor Luckerson  discussing how a highway and government polices broke those promises, breaking GREENWOOD. 

OSU-TULSA  FEB 1 7p  700 N Greenwood AVE



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Comic Book Illustrations
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The Teen Universe




Huge Title






 Programa de construcción de preaprendizaje 



Anuncio publicitario

bahá'í  Fe


El mejor lugar en la tierra

The future

starts with You.


La historia más antigua de Oklahoma





Nombre, Título

The future

starts with You.

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